The “Kid Care Kits” are intended to be distributed by realtors and placed in all households that will be occupied/visited by children. The “Kid Care Kits” are the perfect closing to a successful sale. The kit contains educational information surrounding community resources, water safety material, safe caregiver details, and safe sleep practices
Due to popular demand, the maximum request per order will be 15 kits. Once all 15 kits have been placed in forever homes, secondary requests can be submitted for additional kits while supplies last.
Please complete all fields below and click submit. You will be contacted shortly by a representative of the Children’s Board with details on when your order will be ready for pick up at 1002 E. Palm Ave, Tampa, FL, 33605. If you have any questions surrounding the kit, please contact Brian Bonistalli at (813) 204-1772.
[gravityform id=”4″ name=”Kid Care Kits Request Form”]