‘Safe Pool Day’ inspections underway in Hillsborough County
WTSP Channel 10
WTSP Channel 10
WFTS Channel 28 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — Hillsborough County code enforcement officers and officials with the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County have joined forces to ensure swimming pools are safe for kids this summer. It’s part of a new initiative called “Safe Pools Day Tampa Bay.” “I think it’s a great idea,” said Glen Woo….
WRMD Telemundo 49 Agencias en el condado Hillsborough comenzaron a inspeccionar la seguridad de las piscinas en la ciudad de Tampa para minimizar cualquier tipo de accidentes. leer más…
By Hillsborough County Florida Hillsborough County hosted Safe Pools Day on May 10 City of Tampa’s Loretta Ingraham Pool served as the starting point for the Second Annual Safe Pools Day Tampa Bay event, where Hillsborough County Code Enforcement staff discussed the importance of pool safety. The County teamed up with the cities of Tampa, Temple Terrace,…
Hillsborough County hosted first-ever Safe Pools Day on May 19 With picturesque Sulphur Springs as the backdrop, Hillsborough County Code Enforcement staff discussed pool safety requirements as part of the first-ever Safe Pools Day Tampa Bay on May 19. Hillsborough teamed up with the cities of Tampa, Temple Terrace, and Plant City to coordinate inspections…
WTVT Channel 13 TAMPA, Fla. – School is almost out for the summer, and many families may be spending their days by the pool, which is why officials in Hillsborough County want to help keep everyone safe near the water. On Friday morning, the county is hosting the first Safe Pools Day Tampa Bay event. It is teaming up with…
WFLA Channel 8 TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — School is almost out for the summer, meaning pool season is about to be in full swing. Hillsborough County is partnering up with Tampa, Temple Terrace and Plant City as well as the Children’s Board to help prevent pool injuries and drownings. One child lost to drowning is…