Core Values

The vision, mission, and goals of the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County will be guided by the following core values:
- Demonstrating honesty and sincerity in all of our dealings.
- Upholding only the highest ethical principles.
- Making decisions that reflect the highest standards of proper stewardship and accountability of resources.
- Projecting professionalism in everything we do.
- Being accountable for our actions.
- Delivering every product and service in an outstanding manner.
- Developing a quality workforce.
- Showing pride in our efforts and the community in which we live and work.
- Working in full cooperation and mutual support that inspires trust, loyalty, and respect to achieve a common goal.
- Creating and maintaining a spirit of service.
- Showing consideration or regard for an individual or institution.
- Assessing all people on their merits.
- Valuing diversity and accepting individual differences.